Summer Holiday Computer Exhibitions

We have previously visited an excellent arcade event in Bristol at the beginning of last year and it was really nice to stumble upon another such exhibition in the same city this week. Titled, The History of Video Games, this is similar exhibition packed full of consoles charting the evolution of the video game whilst also allow visitors to play on various classic games in their arcade.

We found the one game that I spent hours and hours on when I was younger, Point Blank. This game brings back happy memories of the wife and I battling it out when we were at university together and despite it being a rather old game, it still holds up today and was great going up against my son. They even had Area 51 too, another great game that I used to play endlessly, usually drunk in the student union bar.

The following day we visited Swindon and took a quick detour to the small but really interesting Museum of Computing. I have a soft spot for this museum as it's something I could imagine setting up myself using pieces from my collection. In fact most of my collection sits behind glass in their cabinets which makes me think that my collection might be more valuable than I think and should take more care with it, especially now that a house move is imminent. 

My son even had a go at coding on the BBC for the first time. He completed the tasks set but was a bit put out at how much effort and time it took.


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