2022 Round Up

The year started stressed and my thoughts felt rushed constantly, and so I took the decision to reset a number of contributing elements, allowing me to recharge whilst investing time in building my creative coding business, that celebrated five years last summer.

The business has not only become the lead provider of computing and design, working with local schools and authorities to provide valuable alternative provision to students who don't necessary 'fit' in a standard classroom environment, but all the after school clubs and weekend workshops are really hitting their stride too, which is just lovely to see. There's a feeling running through everything that it's making a real difference.

Creativity in the form of personal passion projects have also grown. I am making games again, nothing serious, just trying out new ideas. Some games I got past the finishing line, many did not and a couple did really well in game jam competitions. My game Sticky Gumball did particularly well, coming third in a competition run by Sega.

The payphone hacking project, #RecodeThePhone is just chugging along as it usually does. People are still collecting payphone numbers for me, which is great and the current chain of thought iso to target train station payphones and play poetry down the line to busy commuters who take the call.

The project took me down some interesting avenues, one of which saw me massively outside my comfort zone, speaking alongside directors of Red Cross training and simulation and generals from the Netherlands' army. This allowed me to connect with others and funding applications were discussed to develop my phone network further.

I also wanted to look at building props from films this year and my coin-operated Zoltar machine was the result. Zoltar has allowed me to connect with more people in the maker community, exhibit my builds at shows and meet Hollywood actors and actresses from my favourite film. Not stopping there, Zoltar is getting involved with community projects in the area, with schemes designed to provide food, warmth and activities for vulnerable families on the edge of the city.

There's been many more events this year, too many to document here but they all have a common theme. I feel very fortunately to be surrounded by people who have helped me enormously this year and it's nice to be able to give support back to others as well. I think the point I'm trying to make is, surround yourself with kind, like-minded people and you will all benefit in whatever you do.


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